Our(Ernest Truely, Rauno Õispuu and Justin Tyler Tate) first day in Diyarbakir has passed full of wonder, surprises, delicious food, second-hand smoke (first-hand for some people) and decisions to be made. Almost everybody else (Mikko Laajola, Karl Hallberg, Mika Palonen, Sara Milazzo, Kilian Ochs) will be arriving in a few days.
The flat we are temporarily staying in is a 3 bedroom apt. with one man, named Engin, living in it and no furniture to speak of except for in Engin's room, one fold out couch and one small table covered with office supplies. We stayed inside the apartment for most of our first day in Diyarbakir as we waited for Seckin Aydin with the boys taking one excursion to look for a bank machine, oil and food; they came back empty handed with only the explanation that people had told them that "the bank is in Istanbul".
When Seckin arrived, we left to look at possible sites for the project:
Site 1:
Site 2:

Seckin encouraged us to go look at site 3 as we would not get any support for local organisations in regards to site 2.
Site 3:

- The walls of the house were made with compressed earth.
- The site is sitting in the shadow of a beautiful Mosque and in the center of a park.
- Working on this site would mean support for accommodation and materials.
- A gang of slingshot wielding young boys likes to hang out around there.
Site 3.5:

As we talked to the potential translator (who teaches English and also runs a cafe called Mona) we explained the purpose of our trip, a little bit about how we work and then if he could translate, for free, for us at some points. He agreed to our request but also said that he was not happy with the upstairs of the cafe, that it was generally unused and then suggested that maybe we would like to use it for our project in which case he would buy the materials we wanted and we could change the structure/aesthetics of the cafe, relatively, as much as we wanted. He offered that we can live in the cafe, come and go as much as we want, use the kitchen (which has a deep-fryer), the cafe also has free wi-fi and the location is good. The con's of the situation are that it's a cafe we would be renovating and so not-at-all aligned with the intentions of Error Renewal and also we would basically be cheap foreign labor (which is also interesting).