Justin and Ernest are making an Error video portfolio for use for in applications. We are asking Errorists, Error supporters and witnesses to make a video selfie with a sound byte where you say something about yourself and what you think about Error. We request, if possible, to use your phone with horizontal composition and say your name, where you are as well as a sentence or two about Error collective or errors in general. 10 to 30 seconds of video is plenty. Please don't think about it too much, better to do it soon. Send it to Justin at {justate <at> gmail <dot> com}
16.05 to 22.05.2016 @Third Space (www.th1rdspac3.com)
Do you need a momentary pause from the brutal conditions of advanced capitalism? Come to ErrorSpa where our luxurious facilities will leave you physically and mentally transformed through our holistic cultural immersion treatments.
ErrorSpa offers personalized services such as Art-school haircuts, Tattoo-acupuncture, Edible facial massages, Body massages to get your knots out and you can also get your nails did. If you feel that one service is not enough, you can opt to be "Errized" where you will get a full hair/body/fashion make-over. Everyday at ErrorSpa begins with the Psychic-Sandwich-Lunchbreak (12-13.00) where our psychic sandwich artist will make you a sandwich based on your psychic reading. In addition to ErrorSpa's personalised services you can take part in group sessions such as hobo-gym strength training(17.5), Err-joga(18.5 & 20.5) as well as Guided Meditation (19.5 & 22.5). For Restaurant Day (21.5), ErrorSpa will focus on transforming your health and wellbeing through our culinary production. Email us at [email protected] to reserve your time, date and the service you would like or the group session you would like to participate in. All reservations will be posted on the calendar below. When you emerge from the cocoon of ErrorSpa, you will never be the same again. Prices for services may vary. *** ErrorSpa will be open daily from 12.00 - 20.00h *** ![]() By Ernest Truely 26 March 2013. Error Renewal is in it’s third week of operations in the Kurdish capital, Diyarbakir. Eight Errorists from northern regions with support from local artists and academics have occupied a flat on Revolution Boulevard, a section of an industrial compound and periphery regions of Sümerpark. Error Collectivists have been interrogated by police and escorted by urban tanks in attempts to comprehend their actions. Fashion Errors including but not limited to short shorts have provoked conflict with Muslims and clashes between neighbors and family members. Errorist were seen in the outlaying Bağıvar where reports of mural bombing the elementary schools. Laser cut stencils of traditional Estonian mitten patterns were spray painted across the school’s exits. The walls, painted with texts like, “Let’s be friends,” and “Life is beautiful” as well as the paintings of an elephant, bunny, butterfly and flowers are a constant reminder to the village children of a chain of inexplicable errors. A local businessman commented, “I see them advance to Sümerpark every morning and quick march back to Revolution Boulevard late at night, and they are always carrying garbage,” the man gestured his bewilderment and asked, “WTF are they doing?” On 22 March an Error intervention at Sümerpark occurred when a 170 centemeter diameter sphere covered in plastic waste material was carried in a ritualistic procession. Park inhabitants seemed mostly undisturbed but the action drew the attention of a gang of feral children and an unconfirmed “village idiot workshop” coinciding in the same territory. Tensions arose when the giant ball of garbage was hoisted atop the roof of ecological project ruins. A video recording of an onlooker waving a big stick, drawing his knife was posted by Error on YouTube. Errorists set fires around the compound and brandished a burning banner of what seemed to be a dirty old piece of textile on a stick. Error claimed responsibility for setting two traps, one of which was stolen by passing school children, the second turned out to be a benign installation art. Rumors circulated of police involvement and long prison sentences however sources confirm only one Errorist was detained briefly by park security forces, offered tea and nice tobacco. The evening ended without incident and only minor bloodshed from work related injuries. Local newspapers cited their actions as artistic, ecological, and political. After the 22 March demonstration onlookers offered the following comments; “Their clothes are dirty, they appear unwashed and the men are unshaven. Sometimes I offer them food and tea because they seem so pitiful. They are always taking things from the streets.” A bewildered regular of Sümerpark observed, “They all carry knives, sometimes clubs or a saw. Once I saw one of them from Finland sweeping the street. He is from one of the richest nations in the world with the best social care. Why is he sweeping up cigarette butts from the streets of Diyarbakir? And why does his dustpan have wheels?” A man who prefers to have his name remain anonymous explained, first one Errorist from Estonia arrived unannounced and moved into my flat. A friend of mine vouched that they were sympathetic but within a few days two more flew in from northernmost Europe, a week later three more joined them from Finland then another came from Sweden. They only use money for art materials, frivolities and inebriation. They sleep on scraps of cardboard on the floor, they eat all the food, and they fill the flat with waste material they find on the street.” It is reported that on 23 March three of the collective member hitch-hiked to Istanbul and another is retreating Estonia in the early morning 27 March. It is not clear if the movement indicates evacuation or another baffling strategy for which this collective is known. It appears that Error members have momentarily retreated from Sümerpark, leaving behind scorched earth, a bottle of pee, broken windows fused into glass art, a few shitty DIY berimbau and the shimmering sun of garbage hovering above the southeastern corner of the park. On the 27th of March, Error issued a statement: "This is the hour of our errors. Mostly we break things but sometimes we can fix it too. We are mobile and sustainable, our actions are independent and guerilla. Let our Error bell ring; if an Error can occur in Diyarbakir an Error can occur anywhere." By Justin Tyler Tate Our(Ernest Truely, Rauno Õispuu and Justin Tyler Tate) first day in Diyarbakir has passed full of wonder, surprises, delicious food, second-hand smoke (first-hand for some people) and decisions to be made. Almost everybody else (Mikko Laajola, Karl Hallberg, Mika Palonen, Sara Milazzo, Kilian Ochs) will be arriving in a few days. The flat we are temporarily staying in is a 3 bedroom apt. with one man, named Engin, living in it and no furniture to speak of except for in Engin's room, one fold out couch and one small table covered with office supplies. We stayed inside the apartment for most of our first day in Diyarbakir as we waited for Seckin Aydin with the boys taking one excursion to look for a bank machine, oil and food; they came back empty handed with only the explanation that people had told them that "the bank is in Istanbul". When Seckin arrived, we left to look at possible sites for the project: Site 1:We were not able to see site 1 since we've been in Turkey, but Seckin sent us photos from before we came to Turkey; it is the studio of some sculptors. Site 2:![]() The first place we looked at seemed new from the outside but on the inside was perfect-ish; exposed concrete and exposed roof access made it seem almost ideal but as we were looking at the surroundings from the roof some men came in the building. Coming down the stairs the first, and oldest, man greeted us with a handshake and we gave our names as did he, I think. Following the introduction we made our way out of the stout building with the yellow exterior past four men who did not seem angry but were intimidating all the same. We were told, as we walked around from site 2, that those men also wanted the building but the owner would not sell it to them. Seckin encouraged us to go look at site 3 as we would not get any support for local organisations in regards to site 2. Site 3:![]() Site 3 is a really cool little house but far from what we imagined. It was made by an eco-organisation which had the point of showing people that a house could be made almost-for-free with non-industrial materials. The house had definitely been was disused or maybe a better way to put it is to say that it had been inappropriately used; the local community of glue-huffing kids(not shown in the picture) had been using site 3 as a place to, well, huff glue - the organisation who built the house had recently locked the door so that neither the glue-sniffing-kids or us could enter the structure. Details:
Site 3.5:![]() Site 3 & 1/2 is far from disused but like the other sites has it's pro's and con's. We actually had not been looking for another potential site but rather for a translator and then Site 3 & 1/2 fell into our laps. As we talked to the potential translator (who teaches English and also runs a cafe called Mona) we explained the purpose of our trip, a little bit about how we work and then if he could translate, for free, for us at some points. He agreed to our request but also said that he was not happy with the upstairs of the cafe, that it was generally unused and then suggested that maybe we would like to use it for our project in which case he would buy the materials we wanted and we could change the structure/aesthetics of the cafe, relatively, as much as we wanted. He offered that we can live in the cafe, come and go as much as we want, use the kitchen (which has a deep-fryer), the cafe also has free wi-fi and the location is good. The con's of the situation are that it's a cafe we would be renovating and so not-at-all aligned with the intentions of Error Renewal and also we would basically be cheap foreign labor (which is also interesting). Site 4:We have not seen Site 4 yet because it is about 80km North-West of Diyarbakir but have been told that there are many disused buildings in the large town/small city(100k) of Silvan. For this site we would receive assistance from the local municipality but would be slightly removed and out of touch. Night came as we were in Cafe Mona and Seckin invited us to the studio of two of his friends for dinner and drinks. We went to pick up some Raki and beer at a liquor store followed by a quick visit to one of Diyarbakir's many nut and dried fruit shops for some after dinner snacks. Dinner was, prepared by the two artists whose studio we were invited to, a traditional Kurdish meal consisting of spicy eggplant and pepper salads; slices of red bell peppers stuffed with cheese; yogurt with herbs, oil and garlic; lightly steamed broccoli with olive oil and lemon juice, chunks of lamb with bell peppers, spice, garlic and eggplant cooked on a roasting pan; and all of that was followed with lots of nuts/seeds (selected by Seckin at the nut shop) - Iranian twice roasted almonds, cashews, pistachios, and pumpkin seeds; the end of the meal consisted of kiwi and apple with lemon juice. During the meal we drank Raki(an anise liquor) over ice with water(which, because of the anise, turns the liquor white) and fermented turnip juice with tea at the end of the evening. Right before dinner the power cut out (which apparently is a frequent occurrence) and from between 8pm and 1am we enjoyed the company of new friends, the mixing of languages and culture, music from around the middle east, and some of the most delicious food I can remember eating by only candle light. All in all, we had a productive first day and a perfect first night in Kurdistan.
1) At a supermarket when stealing cheese or loose salad.
2) Psy-trance party. 3) As an american, traveling to the Middle East. Error is in effect. During January, Justin Tyler Tate is an artist in residence in Nida Art Colony. You can see his projects on the following links: TikiHut, D(ice) Shanty, Tat.2.2.Day.
Errorists Ernest and Mika are heading to London to make Error English Garden in the disused yard of a squat in Limehouse. In February Errorists JTT and ET will teach a workshop; Error Tube; Video Production Workshop for Teens in Tartu Art House. See the workshop description in our workshop tab. Errorists prepares for a month long project in in Batman Turkey. JTT, ET and KH will transform a disused building into an art installation and social focal point.. Follow the steps of our adventures on Facebook. ![]() Our FUSanta workshop was not a success...we overstretched ourselves during that weekend; researching for a recycling Olympics, participating in a shadow art festival, leading a 'RepairCafe' while meaning to do FUSanta which got pushed to the side. Post wah-wah we recieved some good news regarding a upcoming project where we will renovate a building in Batman, Turkey with the same methods we've used to make Ilus Salong in CFP. the good news we received is that Ernest Truely applied and received 300EUR, from KULKA, to cover the cost of his travel from Estonia to Turkey and back. JTT still needs to apply for his travel funding an Error is applying for project money to aid the rebuilding of culture and community in Batman.
From: Adela Foldynova <[email protected]>
To: Error Collective Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 4:32 PM Subject: K.A.I.R. jury decision Dear applicant, thanks again for your interest in our residency programme and the submitted application. After a long decision process of our jury and going carefully through all the applications (there were nearly 400 of them), we finally agreed about 3 artists, we want to invite to Kosice next year. Unfortunately, we did not choose your application. Anyway, we wish you all the best for your further projects and if you wish to stay updated on our future open calls or events follow us on Facebook, blog or website. If you are not against, we will keep your email address and in case of any new projects or open calls, we will inform you. All the best, Adéla Foldynová S pozdravom Adéla FOLDYNOVÁ Manažérka K.A.I.R. - Košice - Umelci v rezidenciách K.A.I.R. - Košice Artist-In-Residence Manager |
ErrorWhat's going on, current projects, future projects, etc. Archives
February 2018