To: Error Collective
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 4:32 PM
Subject: K.A.I.R. jury decision
Dear applicant,
thanks again for your interest in our residency programme and the submitted application. After a long decision process of our jury and going carefully through all the applications (there were nearly 400 of them), we finally agreed about 3 artists, we want to invite to Kosice next year. Unfortunately, we did not choose your application. Anyway, we wish you all the best for your further projects and if you wish to stay updated on our future open calls or events follow us on Facebook, blog or website. If you are not against, we will keep your email address and in case of any new projects or open calls, we will inform you.
All the best,
Adéla Foldynová
S pozdravom
Manažérka K.A.I.R. - Košice - Umelci v rezidenciách
K.A.I.R. - Košice Artist-In-Residence Manager